Time Travel Adventures

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Time Travel Adventures
Might as well call it Tedious Travelling Adventures.
Protagonist(s): Player(s)
Genre(s): All Genres (despite being a Story game)
Date Created: 5/19/2019
Creator(s): jandel
Sequel: Time Travel Adventures 2 (Cancelled)
Time Travel Eggventures (Closed)

Time Travel Adventures is a Roblox story game created by Splitting Point Studios, which is owned by jandel. Players travel through time to multiple areas and years to collect Gems for Dr. Time, while going through multiple situations throughout each Dimension.


The game (supposedly) takes place at Dr. Time's lab, where the player is allowed to enter any of the seven time capsules available. As the player gathers Gems for Dr. Time, Jim, who is Tim's dead brother, appears a few times to attempt to ruin the player's mission, but fails every time. It is later revealed that Dr. Time was the one who killed Jim, and it is also later revealed that Dr. Time was getting the player to gather the Gems for evil purposes all along.

List of Dimensions

  • Skull Sanctuary, 1702, on the Caribbean Sea.
  • Sub Zero, 17,000 years in the past during the last ice age, in North America.
  • Mission to Mars, 2089, at a Mars Colony.
  • Extinction, 68 million years ago, during the Cretaceous Period.
  • Mummy Mystery, 1798, in Egypt.
  • Wild West, 1885, down in the southwest of America and Arizona.
  • Medieval Madness (Part 1), during the Middle Age.

Why It's a Waste of Time

  1. False Advertising: On one of the game's thumbnails, it shows Dr. Time entering Skull Sanctuary's time capsule, despite Dr. Time never appearing in Skull Sanctuary, and it also shows that Dr. Time has a cape as well, despite him lacking one. There's also a thumbnail that shows Tim shooting Skelly's and King Skelly in Skull Sanctuary, despite not appearing in Skull Sanctuary either.
  2. The Wild West trailer is really bland, since that it only shows footage of how part of the map looks like, rather than showing actual gameplay of the map instead, and the only parts of the map that are shown is the train tracks, the town, and the elevator shaft.
  3. The game is categorized in the "All Genres" genre instead of the "Adventure" genre, which is where most story games on Roblox fit into.
  4. The warning message for Mummy Mystery in the lab is misleading, as the player still gets two lives when they enter the Dimension instead of one life.
  5. All of the quests from Tim and Dr. Time revolve around Skull Sanctuary, which means that if the player wants to grind coins faster, they'd need to replay Skull Sanctuary multiple times, which can easily get repetitive.
  6. Despite Clone Trooper and Computer Bot having the same stats, Clone Trooper only costs 250 Robux, while Computer Bot costs 450 Robux, which is 200 extra Robux.
  7. The voice acting in this game is pretty bad, as the real voices of the voice actors can easily be heard, and the words heard in the voice clips aren't the same words heard in the dialogues that they belong to either. The voice clips also tend to start playing before the dialogue that they belong to show up as well.
  8. Some of the music is pretty repetitive, as there are a few songs that are only 10-20 seconds long, and these songs loop back once they're finished, and a few examples of these songs are the lab and Wild West's main themes.
  9. There are a few free models used throughout the game, such as some of the weapons being Roblox-made models, and the wolf model in Medieval Madness being from mh:perfectionrobloxgames:Bee Swarm Simulator,
  10. There are eighteen plot holes throughout the game, and there's even three plot holes in Skull Sanctuary, Sub Zero, Wild West, and Medieval Madness.
    • The most important plot hole is about Jim's assaults. While Jim tries to mess up the player's missions due to a misunderstanding, he never attacks Dr. Time, despite being aware that Dr. Time was the one who killed him.
    • There are multiple items in each Dimension such as gas masks and flashlights that weren't existent during the years of when the events of each Dimension took place.
    • The first plot hole in Skull Sanctuary involves Squid Pirate. Squid Pirate, despite living in a previous time period, not only knows that the player is looking for a Gem, but also knows why the player wants the Gem as well. It doesn't help how Squid Pirate only appears during this Dimension as well. The second plot hole in Skull Sanctuary is how the Teleporter to exit Skull Sanctuary appears out of nowhere. The third plot hole in Skull Sanctuary involves Squid Pirate again. As stated earlier, despite Squid Pirate living in the past, he knows what a teleporter is, despite (probably) not seeing one before.
    • The first plot hole in Sub Zero is about the Cavemen's encounter with fire. Despite not only living in a previous time period, but also being cavemen, and also not seeing fire before, they know what fire is, as they start to scream "Fire!" when a player starts a fire in their cave. The second plot hole in Sub Zero is how the Cavemen know what the Core is, despite not only living in the past, but also (probably) seeing the Core for the first time. The third plot hole in Sub Zero is how the Snorkel helps the player not freeze underwater, as the Snorkel is just headgear.
    • In Mission to Mars, shortly after the player crash-lands onto Mars, the door to the spaceship opens up, despite the system being broken.
    • The first plot hole in Extinction is when the TRex steals one of the Cores of the teleporter. During the fight, the Core is seen sitting in the open while the TRex attacks the player, so why couldn't Tim and the player just grab the Core and run back to the teleporter instead of fighting the TRex? The TRex is slower than the player too, which would have given Tim and the player plenty of time to run back to the teleporter. The second plot hole in Extinction is how the meteor that falls at the end only kills the TRex and not Tim and the player.
    • In Mummy Mystery, Jake loses his pet monkey after he was bathing in a pool of water, yet the monkey is right next to the pool of water that Jake was bathing in. Jake also never bothers finding the monkey himself, despite the monkey being in plain sight.
    • The first plot hole in Wild West is that nobody except for Tim cares about Peter's death. The second plot hole in Wild West is how the townspeople know the exact time of Denis' arrival to the town. The third plot hole in Wild West is how the townspeople not only know what a Gem looks like, but also know where it is as well, despite not only living in a previous time period, but also probably not seeing a Gem before because of this.
    • The first plot hole in Medieval Madness is about how people are able to meet the King. When the player finishes the sewer flood obby, they are seen entering through the front door of the throne room, which means that even if someone were to try to talk to the King, they'd have to go through the sewer flood obby to do so unless if there's an alternative path. While there is a second door to the left, that door probably leads to the King's bedroom. The second plot hole in Medieval Madness is about the Goblin raid, as the King somehow knows the exact time of when the Goblins are going to raid his castle. The third plot hole in Medieval Madness has Dr. Time escaping the Middle Age, despite him already destroying the teleporter.
  11. Every Dimension is cluttered with the exact same activities with little to no differences, with these activities being reading dialogue, finding a few items, heading over to a safe zone where the player won't die, sacrificing someone, fighting enemies and bosses, and doing parkour.
  12. The grammar in this game is very bad, as there's a ton of sentences that are missing basic punctuation such as periods and parentheses.
  13. There are a ton of microtransactions scattered throughout the game, and some of them are useless as well, such as the Gas Mask, since that the Gas Mask is only able to be used once in the game, with that being when the island in Skull Sanctuary fogs up with poisoned gas, and to make matters worse, the Gas Mask is only purchasable in the area where the player is safe from the gas, which makes the Gas Mask completely useless.
  14. In some of the Dimensions such as Sub Zero, it's possible to climb up some of the walls to get out of bounds because of the lack of invisible walls, which can cause players to players to either die by falling off of the map, or to access things that they aren't supposed to be accessing yet.
  15. Some of the Artifacts are very annoying to get, as while some of them can simply be in very secretive spots, some of them require the player to go through an entire obby to obtain. In Mummy Mystery, there's also an Artifact that requires the player to finish an obby to obtain, and if the player is alone, the player is forced to die to get back to the main mission, and if they don't have the infinite lives gamepass and if they're on their last life, they'll have to restart the entire Dimension all over again.
  16. Speaking about the Artifacts, sometimes, the Artifacts will need to be collected a second time to obtain them, and sometimes, if they're only collected once, the Artifact won't register as being collected, which can cause players to accidentally miss the requirements of getting a Bot from a Dimension, and the player will need to replay the Dimension again to get another chance at obtaining the Bot.
  17. At least one player is forced to die in a few parts of some Dimensions, such as the sacrifice in Skull Sanctuary, and a player becoming infected in Mission to Mars, both by choice and luck, which can cause a player to unfairly restart a Dimension if they're on their last life without infinite lives either because of what the other players chose or how the game itself decided who to choose.
  18. The enemies and bosses tend to have really bad hitboxes, with the most notable case being the battles against the Raptors and the TRex in Extinction, as they can hit the player studs away because once the Raptors and TRex reach the player to attack them, it's impossible for the player to avoid their attacks no matter how far away they are from the Raptors and TRex.
  19. The boss fights are all the same, and they get very repetitive and boring after a while, since that all that the player does for each fight is shoot the boss until they die, and while the player does get a sword during Danny the Dragon's boss fight, fighting Danny the Dragon with a sword is just your basic swordfight. Mission to Mars also technically lacks a boss as well, since that the only things that the player fights in Mission to Mars are Martians and the infected player. Some of the bosses are also unbalanced as well.
    • The Cavemen are way too easy to fight, as they all don't have a lot of health and die very quickly because of this.
    • The TRex moves too slow, which makes it super easy to outrun. It also has a really bad hitbox as stated earlier.
    • Manny the Mummy has a teleport attack which can not only be very hard to avoid, but also takes away a huge chunk of the players health as well. Similar to the TRex, Manny the Mummy also has a really bad hitbox as well.
    • Denis' boss fight in Wild West only has the player clicking their screen when a white line inside of a bar enters the green zone.
  20. Danny the Dragon and Manny the Mummy do not sound like names for villains at all, and those names sound like something that would be from a kid's book instead.
  21. Sub Zero has two different boss fights that are somewhat similar to each other and also has two different endings because of this, and it's also random for who the player fights. Wild West also has two different endings that are pretty similar to each other, which means that the player will have to play through both Sub Zero and Wild West at least twice just to get slightly different endings, and it might take even longer to get both endings in Sub Zero because of how both fights are randomized.
  22. Not A Pet is the worst bot in the game, and while this wouldn't be a very big deal, it's the pet that's rewarded to the player once they've collected all six Artifacts in Wild West, which has its Artifacts hidden in very secretive spots.
  23. Medieval Madness has multiple signs that shows that it was rushed, as there are three plot holes in the Dimension as stated earlier, there's a grey brick with no textures laying around in the village, some of the scenery isn't finished, and Danny the Dragon lacks animations, aside for when he wakes up.
  24. The time capsules for each Dimension in the lab have now broke, and now players are only teleported to a Dimension when a capsule limit reaches 8 players (10 players for Extinction).

Redeeming Qualities

  1. This game's plot is more unique than most story game plots. Instead of being like most story games where the player is at some place and having a monster occasionally attack them, this game instead revolves around the player travelling through time to get Gems for Dr. Time.
  2. The graphics are pretty good, as there's plenty of textures used for each map, and plenty of terrain is used as well.
  3. Despite some of the music being a bit repetitive as stated earlier, there are some pretty catchy songs throughout the game such as Squid Pirate's ship theme and the island theme in Skull Sanctuary, the spaceship theme in Mission to Mars, and Egypt's theme in Mummy Mystery.
  4. Unlike most story games on Roblox, this game actually has a lives system, with each Dimension having two or three lives until players either have to return to the lab, or buy an extra life for 25 Robux.
  5. The Yeti boss is easily the best boss fight in this game, as he is balanced well with having a decent amount of health, and he also has decent attacks for beginners that involves him either running up to a player to punch them, or doing a shockwave attack.


The game was met with positive reception during 2019 and 2020 and had received plenty of likes and visits as well, but as time went on, less people started to play the game, and it has lost a ton of popularity ever since, and the game is now met with mixed reception due to the game being broken now, and some parts ageing poorly. The game currently has around 225,600 favorites, around 46,000,000 visits, and around 46,000 likes to around 14,000 dislikes.


  • Extinction is the only Dimension to have one word in its title, and Mission to Mars is the only Dimension to have three words in its title.
  • There were plans to have a sequel under the name of Time Travel Adventures 2 with Medieval Madness (Part 2) included in it, but it was cancelled for unknown reasons.
  • This game had an egg-themed Dimension in a game called Time Travel Eggventures that was temporarily opened for the Egg Hunt 2020: Agents of E.G.G event. Ever since the event ended though, Time Travel Eggventures has been closed, and will most likely stay closed for a while.
  • There's a glitch in this game, where if a player gets all six Artifacts in Medieval Madness and if they click the Minion Bot multiple times in the lab, they can get a huge amount of duplicated Minion Bots.


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